Sunday, November 19, 2006

First post

Hi everyone. I wanted to find an easier way to post pictures of Ceili. My web-site ( is great for some things, but it's a pain to update because I code the HTML by hand.
So, to kick off this blog, let's take a look at a few pictures of Ceili and the family! I've been really bad about getting real photos off to my relatives, so this blog will have to do the job for a while. I've also created a you-tube account ( where I'm going to post a few videos.

Here's a photo of Ceili when she was 4 days old. She had a bit of jaundice, so I was holding her against my chest (keeping her warm) while she got a bit of the setting sun through the window.

This is one of the first photos of the three of us after Ceili got home. Shelly really likes this photo. It's hard to believe how small Ceili used to be. I took this photo holding the camera in one hand while trying to pose at the same time.

Here's another one of Shelly's favourite photos. Ceili and I were lying down on here playmat.

This is one of my favourite photos. I love how Ceili is looking up at me. The photo was taken after Shelly's cousins wedding in Lethbridge. This was Ceili's first trip away from home, and she behaved wonderfully.

We tried to take a picture with Shelly a few seconds later, but Ceili had a screaming fit. You might have noticed a pattern...lots of great photos with me and Ceili, but not many of Mom :-(

So, here's a good photo of Mom, Grandma, and Ceili. This was taken at a friend's wedding. Shelly was a bridesmaid. Everything went wonderful (except our battery went dead while taking this photo and we had to wait for a boost).

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