Saturday, January 5, 2008

The kids danced at the Dauphin Ukrainian festival again this year. Afterwards we went to a little park at the top of the Selo and took some nice pictures. There was an older lady watching us...she was quiet and sitting by herself on a bench. We talked to her for a while after this photo and I think we cheered her up quite a bit....turns out her husband was the founder of the Ukrainian festival, had organized it every year, and had made this park "happen" - and he had died earlier that year. She wasn't sure if she could make it through this festival. She came to the park to sit and watch people enjoy her husband's life's work, and it made her happy to see these beautiful kids enjoying the park...

In September we visited our friends Andrea and Tim in Phoenix again. We had a great visit and nice weather. One thing I remember from this trip was how much I enjoyed going to the playground with Ceili, sitting Ceili on my lap on the swing, and swinging back and forth for an hour while singing to her. It was a lot of fun.

Andrea was the first to dunk Ceili's head under water. Mom almost couldn't bear watching, but Ceili - sort of - liked it.

Our third wedding anniversary was on October 09. We went out for a really nice dinner at the Bear's Den restaurant in Bearspaw.

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